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Freshers Master Program Course

Hi! Welcome to the brand new version of The Web Developer, Kitez most popular web development course. This course was just completely overhauled to prepare students for the 2021-22 job market

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Freshers Master Program course Overview

It’s my most current, in-depth and exciting training. Designed for students no matter where your coding level.Our next-generation web development training is overflowing with fresh and high-quality Syllabus. And crucially, features the most advanced, hot-off-the-press software versions.
It’s your fast-track to iron-clad coding results


Kitez training program facilitates the students to get an opportunity to work on live projects to enrich their professional capabilities, develop their critical skills and enhance their overall personality.

Practical Training

The Course curriculum is prepared by professionals from MNC to meet the demands expected in the IT industry. After completing the training students will be familiar with the Software development process followed in IT industry.

Placement Support

Every course in covered with interview point questions and real-time scenarios of what the company may look after from you.

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Java Script
Type Script
Type Script
React Js
React Js
HTML Introduction:
  • Introduction to HTML
  • Tags
  • Paragraph
  • Heading Tags
  • Ancor Tag
  • Image Tag
  • List tag
  • Table Tag
HTML Intermediate:
  • Block vs Inline element
  • Semantic element
  • Forms
  • Tables
  • Button
  • Form validation
Basic CSS
  • Inline CSS
  • Internal CSS
  • External CSS
  • How to Debug CSS Code
  • The Anatomy of CSS Syntax
  • CSS Selectors
  • Classes vs. Ids
  • Text and Font
  • Images In CSS
  • Padding , margin
  • px vs em vs rem
Intermediate CSS
  • Flexbox
  • Responsive UI
  • Box Model
  • Basics: Variables, Data Types, Operators & Functions
  • Efficient Development & Debugging
  • Working with Control Structures (if Statements, Loops, Error Handling)
  • Past (ES3, ES5) & Present (ES6+) of JavaScript
  • Functions Advance
  • Working with the DOM (Browser HTML Code) in JavaScript
  • Arrays & Iterables
  • Objects
  • Class and OOPS
  • Events
  • Number and String
  • Promises and call back
  • Http request
  • Js Tooling and workflow
  • Browser storage
  • Typescript intro
  • Intro
  • Typography
  • CSS Component
  • Grid System
  • Forms
  • Tables
  • Javascript Widget
  • Project :1
Introduction to TypeScript
  • Overview of TypeScript
  • Why TypeScript?
Installation of tools
  • Installing VS – an IDE
  • Installing TypeScript using npm
Datatypes in TypeScript
  • User-defined Datatypes
  • Primitive Data types
  • Tuples and Unions
  • Variables and Operators
Decision Makers and Loops
  • if, if-else, switch statements
  • for, while loops
  • forEach in TypeScript
Functions in TypeScript
  • Defining and Calling a Function
  • Returning functions
  • Parameterized functions
  • Arrow functions
Inbuilt methods in TypeScript
  • String methods
  • Array methods
  • Other inbuilt methods
Oops in TypeScript
  • Introduction to Classes and Objects
  • Interfaces
  • Inheritance
Winding up with TypeScript
  • Revising the TypeScript Concepts
  • Bridging TypeScript to Angular
  • Angular Inroduction
  • Installing the latest version of nodeJS
  • Installing Angular 9 using a node package manager (npm)
  • Installing an IDE like Visual studio code
  • List of commands for creating, running and building a project
Angular Fundamentals
  • Create a new Angular project
  • Building blocks of angular
  • The folder structure of an Angular Project
  • Linking bootstrap with Angular
  • Linking icons, fonts with the Projects
Angular Components and Modules
  • Creating new components
  • Structure of a component
  • Calling a component
  • Nesting components
  • Component lifecycle
  • Introduction to Modules
Displaying Data and Event Handling
  • Interpolation
  • Property Binding
  • Attribute Binding
  • Style Binding
  • Event Binding
  • Two way binding
  • InBuild pipes
  • Custom Pipes
Component Communication
  • Using @Input @output
  • View child
  • Reference variable
  • Services
  • ngIF
  • ngFor
  • ngClass
  • ngStyle
  • Custom Directive
  • Template-driven forms
  • Reactive forms
  • Adding validations to forms
  • Displaying error messages
Navigation using Routers
  • Introduction to Angular routings
  • Nested routes
  • Relative path vs Absolute paths
  • Lazy loading modules
  • Pre-loading modules
  • Preventing unauthorized access using protected routes
Angular Observables and RxJS
  • Introduction to Observables
  • Using observables to pass data
  • Type-ahead suggestions using Observables
  • Introduction to RxJS library
Server Interactions using HTTP
  • Creating a Service
  • Introduction to Http Client Services
  • HTTP get vs post
  • Requesting and sending data to the server
  • Sending get Request
  • Sending put Request
  • Adjusting Request Headers
Deployment of the Application
  • Building the Application
  • Steps to host the application on some server
  • Hosting the Application
Building a Real-time Application
  • Creating the Project Setup
  • Creating modules and grouping Components
  • Implementing Lazy Loading and adding Routings
  • Adding necessary Material Components
  • Completing the contents
  • Hosting the Website
  • Required Javascript
  • Modules
  • var/let/const
  • Arrow function
  • Export and Import
  • Understanding Classes
  • Spread operator
  • Array
React Fundamentals
  • Modules
  • Components
  • Project Creation
  • JSX
  • React Works
  • Custom Components
  • Adding Basic CSS Styling
  • Outputting Dynamic Data
  • Passing Data via "props"
  • Splitting Components
  • Splitting Components
  • Organizing Files
  • Key Events
  • Listening to Events & Working with Event Handlers
  • Working with "State"
  • "useState" Hook
  • Form Inputs
  • Listing Form Inputs
  • Working with Multiple States
  • Using One State Instead
  • Handling Form Submission
  • Adding Two-Way Binding
  • Child-to-Parent Component Communication (Bottom-up)
  • Lifting The State Up
List Rendering
  • Rendering List Data in UI
  • Using Stateful Lists
  • Using "Keys"
  • Conditional Content
  • Adding Conditional Return Statements
  • Adding Dynamic Styles
Styling React Components
  • Dynamic Inline Styles
  • CSS Classes Dynamically
  • Introducing Styled Components
  • Styled Components & Dynamic Props
  • Styled Components & Media Queries
  • Using CSS Modules
  • Dynamic Styles with CSS Modules
  • Understanding React Error Messages
  • Analyzing Code Flow & Warnings
  • Working with Breakpoints
Fragment, Portal & Ref
  • Creating a Wrapper Component
  • React Fragments
  • Introducing React Portals
  • Working with Portals
  • Working with "ref"s
  • Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components
Handing Side Effects, Using Reducer & Using the context api
  • What are "Side Effects" & Introducing useEffect
  • Using the useEffect() Hook
  • useEffect & Dependencies
  • Using the useEffect Cleanup Function
  • Using the useReducer() Hook
  • useReducer & useEffect
  • Adding Nested Properties As Dependencies To useEffect
  • useReducer vs useState for State Management
  • Using the React Context API
  • Making Context Dynamic
  • Building & Using a Custom Context Provider Component
  • Learning the "Rules of Hooks"
Optimization Technique
Class-based Component
  • Class-based Component
  • Working with State & Events
  • The Component Lifecycle (Class-based Components Only!)
  • Lifecycle Methods In Action
  • Class-based Components & Context
HTTP Calls
  • Connecting Backend
  • Sending a GET Request
  • Using async / await
  • Handling Loading & Data States
  • Handling Http Errors
  • Using useEffect() For Requests
  • Sending a POST Request
  • Sending a PUT Request
Building Custom react hook
Working with forms and user input
  • Form Submission
  • Getting User Input Values
  • Adding Basic Validation
  • Providing Validation Feedback
  • Managing The Overall Form Validity
  • Applying Hook
  • Advanced Redux
  • React Router
Installing React Router
  • Defining & Using Routes
  • Working with Links
  • Using NavLinks
  • Adding Dynamic Routes with Params
  • Extracting Route Params
  • Using "Switch" and "exact" For Configuring Routes
  • Nested Routes
  • Adding a "Not Found" Page
  • Working with Query Parameters
  • Getting Creative With Nested Routes
  • Writing More Flexible Routing Code
  • GitHub
  • Jira
  • Basic photoshop
  • npm
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